Financial Reporting
The objective of financial reporting is to track, analyze and report your business income. The purpose of these reports is to examine resource usage, cash flow, business performance and the financial health of the business.
Budgeting & Forecasting
EMS Financial & Business Solutions uses budgeting and forecasting to accumulate historical data and market conditions to predict financial outcomes for future months or years for the business. Aimed at helping management teams anticipate results based on past information, budgeting can be adjusted as new information is available. In contrast budgeting & forecasting can analyze actual performance.
Profit and Loss & Balance Sheet Statements
When you use our team of experienced accounting professionals, you get all the benefits of hiring an experienced financial executive without the added expense.
Whether we meet with you monthly, quarterly, or once a year, we help you take financial control of your business, enabling you to focus on your core business tasks and make informed decisions about your financial future.
What we do for you:
- Generate reports and analyze financial data
- Evaluate cash flow and improve profitability
- Accounting systems set-up, Chart of Accounts and General Ledger
- Internal controls for fraud prevention
- Quarterly, monthly, and annual financial statements
- Profit statements and balance sheets
- Custom financial reports
Cash Flow
Managing Cash Flow Is the Key to Operating Any Successful Business.
As accounting professionals for small and medium-sized businesses, our expertise lies in helping business owners manage their cash flow better with the goal of increased profitability.
Here’s what we do for you:
- Develop short and long-term cash projections
- Analyze prior years cash flow statements to help you understand where the money goes
- Prepare monthly, quarterly, and annual cash flow statements
- Provide you with tools to accelerate the collection process
- Develop updated billing and payment policies
- Assist with obtaining a line of credit
- Help you get the maximum rate of return on surplus cash
Preparation of monthly GAAP basis financial statement
With our EMS Financial & Business Solutions, we take the time to evaluate your entire financial operations. From accounting process workflows to high-level financial reporting, project visibility, and forecasting practices. Then, we provide specific recommendations.
Core Services
Financial Reporting
Together We Can Make a Difference!
We can take tax documents via email, mail, or fax. We can have a phone call and/or email follow-up appointment for tax preparation. We are also taking in-person appointments. Call us today, for more details.